Episode 262 – Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales

Since our first encounter with James and Sarah Howat’s Black Project back at GABF in 2015, we’ve wanted to dedicate a show to their spontaneously-fermented wild ales. So we’re understandably jazzed about this whole deal, and the lineup of five beers on this show go beyond our expectations. In addition, Craig does the following things: quizzes Ryan on government conspiracies; solves the mysteries of The Shining; invents the worst Slip-n-Slide; and starts his Soundcloud rap career as Must Buoy. We also look into chipmunk storage, face tattoos, horny cats, Prilosec murders, dank basement cheese, and sopping wet corks. That’s what happens when the beer is this good.
ABV Chicago Episode 262 – Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales
Beers Reviewed
FOXBAT (Spontaneous ale w/ with peaches, rosemary, sage and sea salt)
TAGBOARD (Wet-hopped Méthode Traditionnelle ale)
CLOUDMASTER (Spontaneous sour wheat ale)
CYGNUS: Cherry [Blend A] (Méthode Traditionnelle ale w/ cherries)
ROSWELL: GRUDGE (Lambic-inspired ale w/ raspberries)