Episode 300 – 3 Fonteinen

We’re celebrating our big 300 by treating ourselves to the exquisite (and expensive) beers from one of Belgium’s longest-running gueuze producers, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen. Despite the occasion, we just do it like we have for the last 300 by reviewing carefully crafted beers as sloppily as possible, only diverting to mini-tangents about Craig’s assassin dog, horse accoutrements, Goozzwords, vacation mouth, forced floors, nighttime TinglersⓇ, and Mosher’s leveled-up skill set. Thanks for listening at any point during our 300 episodes – we hope it’s been entertaining (and just a little informative).
ABV Chicago Episode 300 – 3 Fonteinen
Beers Reviewed
Oude Geuze
Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston
Oude Kriek
Framboos (2014)