Episode 452 – Waypost Brewing Company
Just off the Lake Michigan shoreline sandwiched between popular vacation beach towns, there’s a little farmhouse brewery in Fennville, MI called Waypost. Opened in 2018, the folks at Waypost make a variety of styles exceptionally well (and even have a GABF Gold for Saison in their recent history). Ryan brought back five beers from his summer trip, and he’s positively giddy to finally share them with Craig. Also, we are on the search for the perfect T-shirt, Ryan stands up for Little Caeser’s pizza, and we’re both kind of mesmerized by the oddities of the South Haven Meijer.
ABV Chicago Episode 452 – Waypost Brewing Co.
Beers Reviewed
House Lager (Zwickelbier)
Grisette (with Earl Grey tea)
Current (Pale Ale)
Flora (Foeder-fermented saison w/ elderflower and hibiscus)
Helles Bock