Episode 439 – pFriem pForever
We’ve long loved Hood River’s Pfriem Family Brewers, and thanks to Craig’s recent travels, we are able to drink through five of their impressive beers. For this one, we experience a wider array of styles, and a few challenge the best of style available locally. Also, we dream of having our own Streisand-like underground malls, we settle into a good butt nook, and we try to forget some bad brut memories. If you’re down with P(friem), then you’re down with me.
ABV Chicago Episode 439 – pFriem pForever
Beers Reviewed
Helles Lager
Sparkling IPA
Druif Blanc (Barrel-aged grape ale)
Rum Barrel-Aged Porter
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Barleywine