Tagged: summer craig

bay area brews

Episode 491 – Bay Area Brews

Summer Craig is starting off strong this year by bringing back five fantastic beers from California’s Bay Area (and beyond) for us to fawn over and attempt to recreate those vacation vibes. We learn the backstories of these breweries and...

pfriem pforever

Episode 439 – pFriem pForever

We’ve long loved Hood River’s Pfriem Family Brewers, and thanks to Craig’s recent travels, we are able to drink through five of their impressive beers. For this one, we experience a wider array of styles, and a few challenge the...

central waters summer nights

Summer Nights | Central Waters

Ah summer. For the majority of your early years, summer was the only time you were really able to cut loose and do what you want with as little responsibility as possible. Stay up late, go out late, eat late...

summer passport

Summer Craig Summer Passport Contest

Summer Craig is coming. Summer Craig is what we all look forward to in life. It’s not only a yearly reawakening, but also a state of mind. An ethos. The nectar that is life. Summer Craig is everyone that gets...