Episode 325 – Third Space Brewing

Craig extends his curbside to wherever he may roam, and after a month of quarantine, he hit up Milwaukee, carbound and down to score some more Third Space. After our visit last July, we’ve been thirsting for more from this brewery that’s just a Christian Yelich homerun away from Brewers’ stadium. We have a nice variety of five beers, and we take inspiration from the brewery’s Seinfeld obsession to run a round of Stumptappd about nothing. We also share some of our new quarantine names, reimagine the movie theater experience, chase grandma with some fireworks, seek solace in the filthiest chips, and really botch a Zoom call-and-reponse. My wife!
ABV Chicago Episode 325 – Third Space Brewing
Beers Reviewed
Summer Home (Hoppy Blonde Ale)
Unbridled Enthusiasm (Juicy Double IPA)
Haunted Barrel 2019 (Barrel-aged candy bar porter aged in bourbon and rum barrels w/ cacao and vanilla)
Happy Place (Midwest Pale Ale)
Mystic Knot (Barrel-aged Irish-style Coffee Stout)