Episode 337 – Saisonathon at Home

Once we accepted the cancellation of beer fests for the foreseeable future, we knew we had a hole to fill. A farmhouse hole. So, we do our best to recreate one of our favorite annual events – our annual Illinois Craft Beer Week event, Saisonathon – by drinking a wide array of saisons from the comfort of our own homes. There are eight wildly different saisons – six from local breweries – that require us to seek a little off-mic assist from our wives. But mainly, we sing our sweet praises of the style we adore so much, and one of us even takes a full-on saison shower. We also talk about the persistence of GIFs, implement the Malort color scale, wish for regrettable saison flavors, visit the coaster whisperer, and get started on that “life of a beer podcaster” screenplay. It’s Saisonathon 2020 – and you are invited.
ABV Chicago Episode 337 – Saisonathon at Home
Beers Reviewed
Off Color Brewing – Marañón Predator (Saison with yeast isolated from a rare form of cacao)
Vennture Brew Co. – Vennture To the Farm (Brett saison w/ rye)
Keeping Together – Thoughts Without A Thinker (Mixed culture saison w/ Earl Grey tea, orange juice and zest, and saffron)
Is/Was Brewing – Maestro Marcelino (Saison w/ roasted agave)
Lo Rez Brewing – Bière De Miel (Saison w/ honey)
Cruz Blanca Brewery – Paloma (Grapefruit saison)
Allagash Brewing Company – Cascara Saison (Saison w/ cascara berries)
Afterthought Brewing Company – Saison Auran: Key Lime Gin Barrel-Aged (Saison aged in gin barrels w/orange juice and zest, rose hips, and key line juice)