ABV Extra: Best of Low ABV, Volume 2
As a peace offering while we ready some hot new content for this week, here’s a compilation of our favorite Low ABV episodes that were previously only available to our Patreon Patrons. We review five beers in total over four segments, and only one is included because you like to hear us suffer. As is the case with all Low ABVs, we spend a significant time gleefully off topic whilst scrapping together passable beer reviews. Hear tales and tangents about my boy Peter Gabriel, Sunny D, bomber fatigue, awful Chicago nicknames, the letter X, and the only (most important) rule at Craig’s brothel. To get a whole lot more stuff like this (and more!), become a Patron by visiting patreon.com/abvchicago to help keep us listener supported! Thank you!
ABV Extra: Best of Low ABV, Volume 2
Episodes Compiled:
Low ABV 16 – Mikerphone The Get-Fresh Flow (Recorded 7/6/16)
Low ABV 21 – Hop Butcher Paris on the Prairie (Recorded 9/16/16)
Low ABV 24 – Heady Topper vs. 2×4 (Recorded 11/4/16)
Low ABV 35 – Stone Chocolate Coffee Enjoy By 2.14.17 (Recorded 2/10/17)