Tagged: hop butcher for the world

hop butcher quarantine

Episode 332 – Hop Butcher for the Quarantine

Even though people are chasing pre-orders instead of trucks these days, Hop Butcher is still as hot as ever thanks to their consistent schedule of mostly hoppy – and mostly hazy – releases. The variation amongst these six beers is...

Episode 219 – Spring Cleaning

As another dogged Chicago winter comes to a close, we have some leftover beers that need to be emptied out into our swollen hibernation tummies.

Episode 185 – Can’t Stop the Hops

Ignoring the fact that there are plenty of beers out there that relegate hops to a simple supporting ingredient, we again indulge our insatiable appetites for chronic hop-led tonics by tasting out five super fresh local IPAs and DIPAs. Are...