Episode 476 – Hazy Flagship IPA Blind Battle Royale: Round 1
In this first round of what will become an ongoing arbitrary competition, we conduct a blind tasting of five Chicagoland breweries’ go-to, year-round, flagship hazy IPAs to determine our favorites – and to move the top beer(s) onto the championship round. For this one, we start with two newer flagships, a top award winner, and two of the original local hazies – and the results catch us totally off guard. Also, Ryan’s got a new swear word to consider thanks to his six year-old, we’re expanding our merchandising brand, and Craig’s Mosaic blindness actually comes in handy for once. Stay tuned for Round 2 in a few weeks, as we scour the shelves for more flagship hazy IPAs to toss into the ring.
ABV Chicago Episode 476 – Hazy Flagship IPA Blind Battle Royale: Round 1
Beers Reviewed Blindly
Old Irving Brewing – Beezer
Hubbard’s Cave – Fresh IPA
Solemn Oath Brewery – Small Wave City Club
Half Acre Beer Co. – Waybird
Maplewood Brewing Company – Son of Juice