Tagged: sundial

30 most memorable 2022

30 Most Memorable Beers of 2022

After what seemed like forever, we finally reached something very close to normal in 2022. Festivals returned in their pre-2020 form (for better or worse) while people wanted to get out again. Breweries were more than happy to oblige, having...

just tables

Episode 448 – Just Tables

It’s our job to bring together five local table beers (and deal with Eddie Munster), so we seek to further understand this lighter cousin of saison by talking with Mike Thorpe of Afterthought Brewing about the style and his TableFest™...

Pied De Cuve | Sundial Brewing

Somehow breweries keep opening without me knowing ahead of time. The last one I remember being really excited about (after I found out about it) was Odious Cellars. But for a brewery like Sundial, I had to rely on beer...